Thursday, September 18, 2014

Who am I and why do I love movies so much?

So my name is Rachel (Rae) and I love movies. I love everything about them. My love for movies began at a young age. I love that for a short period of time I can go on an adventure, fall in love, or just escape.  I totally love going to opening night of a big movie and feeling the excitement of the entire crowd around me. I feel like it makes the movie going experience that much more exciting when everyone around you is just as pumped as you are! I read a lot as well and always go see the movie should my book be made in to one. I usually go to the movies with my best friend Bedo, but I am no stranger of going alone. I don't care....if it is a movie I am dying to see, I will make it happen. So this blog is a place for me to express my love for movies. I plan on blogging once a week just to talk about movies. New movies in theaters or old movies that I have seen about 100 times and can quote at will (which I have been able to do since I was a kid). I will try my best not to totally give away the ending to movies that are still in theaters but I can't make any promises.

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